Saturday 3 August 2013

A tribute to Harry Potter

I want to dedicate this post to my favorite series of all time- Harry Potter.
We have grown up watching Harry Potter movies and reading its books. And i think we owe it to J.K Rowling for teaching us some very important life lessons.

So here's to Harry Potter!

This is us reading a Harry Potter book.

And we still believe that one day, we will get an invitation to hogwarts.

We look for this at every railway station we go to.

We wish that our room had this.

And our home had this.

We have been trying to do this since the first time we watched the movie or read the book.

We had tried to decorate our room like this once.

And said this spell a millions of times like Hermione.

Want an owl as a pet.

This is our face when someone says something bad for Harry Potter.

And this is other people's face when we start speaking our "harry potter" language.

And this was the biggest shock of our lives.

Harry Potter has taught us the real meaning of friendship.

And love.

And we literally worship J.K Rowling for all this.

And we believe that.

Yes, Thank You.

And lastly, this video makes us cry every time we watch it.

Thank You,  J.K Rowling for making our childhood awesome!

