Tuesday 27 August 2013

Tame your frizzy hair

This is for all those women who have frizzy hair. I know how it feels to have such dry and unmanageable hair. Frizzy hair takes a lot of hard work to make it look stylish. They are also usually the hair texture with the most volume and thickness. So they're considered thee healthiest of 'em all. And once you learn to handle them, they prove to be the best texture of all and can make you look very glamorous.


So here are some tips to help you with your hair-

Myths related to frizzy hair-

#1 Only curly hair are frizzy-

This is a very common myth as curly hair seem frizzy most of the time because of their large volume. Even straight hair turn out to be frizzy when not taken proper care especially in monsoon season.

#2 Hair straightening keeps frizz at bay-

 No, it does not. It may keep your hair shiny and straight for a few hours but it will harm your hair badly and once you wash your hair, you'll realize that your hair have become more frizzy and dry. So avoid using such heat products on your hair.

Home remedies to keep frizz at bay-

#1 Egg pack-

Take 2 egg yolks and blend them till they become foamy. Massage this on your hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Wash your hair. You can also add olive oil in the egg yolks. Add 1/4th cup olive oil in the egg yolks and blend. Massage gently on your hair. Wash after 30 minutes. It makes your hair soft, shiny and super manageable. I have tried this method at home and it is very helpful for eliminating frizz. 

The only problem is the unbearable smell of eggs, so the only solution to this problem is to divert your mind somewhere else and to understand that you're doing this for your hair and that it would be totally worth it in the end.

#2 Mayonnaise- 

This method is very effective and smell proof. Mayonnaise deeply conditions your hair leaving them super soft and manageable.  Add 1/4th cup mayonnaise to 1/4th cup of olive oil and apply the paste to your hair by gently massaging the scalp. Rinse after 30 minutes. You can also add 1 egg yolk to it.

#3 Beer-

 This may sound a bit awkward, but beer works wonders for frizzy hair. I have tried this and it really is very effective if you continue with it for a few weeks. It moisturizes and adds shine to your hair. Just rinse your hair with one mug of beer. Darker beer is better and more effective but the other ones will also do.

#4  Hot oil massage

Apply hot oil to your hair and gently massage the night before you wash your hair. I prefer coconut oil but you can also apply jojoba oil or olive oil.

#5  Banana pack-

 Banana provides the necessary antioxidants to hair, thus making them shiny and soft. Crush some banana and apply the paste obtained in your hair. The only drawback of this method is that it is very difficult to wash the banana away. It sticks on your hair and does not come off even with water or shampoo.

Products to use-

#1  Serum

Apply a good quality serum on wet hair it keeps your hair frizz free and makes them shiny.

#2 Conditioners

Using conditioners keeps frizz at bay. Frizzy hair take extra time for conditioning. So leave it for around 7- 10 minutes in your hair. I leave it for 10 minutes and it really works.

#3 The right shampoo

I have used many shampoos and only a few of them worked on my frizzy hair perfectly. One of them is L'oreal Absolute Repair and the other one is Dove Intense Repair.

Hairstyles for frizzy hair-

Frizzy hair looks the best among all the other hair textures when styled in the right way.
So here are some hairstyles which will make your frizzy hair look absolutely fabulous!

Side loose pony-

Side Braids-

Fishtail braid-


Messy Bun-

Top Knot-

Undone Bun-

Low rolled bun-

Braided Bun-

So there you go, embrace your lovely curls and frizz and keep your hair healthy.

Also do not try to change your natural hair texture by re bonding or chemicals. Be proud of what you have. I believe that people look the best in their natural and original hair. CHEERS!



Saturday 3 August 2013

A tribute to Harry Potter

I want to dedicate this post to my favorite series of all time- Harry Potter.
We have grown up watching Harry Potter movies and reading its books. And i think we owe it to J.K Rowling for teaching us some very important life lessons.

So here's to Harry Potter!

This is us reading a Harry Potter book.

And we still believe that one day, we will get an invitation to hogwarts.

We look for this at every railway station we go to.

We wish that our room had this.

And our home had this.

We have been trying to do this since the first time we watched the movie or read the book.

We had tried to decorate our room like this once.

And said this spell a millions of times like Hermione.

Want an owl as a pet.

This is our face when someone says something bad for Harry Potter.

And this is other people's face when we start speaking our "harry potter" language.

And this was the biggest shock of our lives.

Harry Potter has taught us the real meaning of friendship.

And love.

And we literally worship J.K Rowling for all this.

And we believe that.

Yes, Thank You.

And lastly, this video makes us cry every time we watch it.

Thank You,  J.K Rowling for making our childhood awesome!


