Tuesday 17 December 2013

All Things Christmas!

Christmas is just around the corner! Though it is not celebrated much here, still I'm very very excited.

The sparkling stars, Christmas trees and lights all over the internet, the Christmas songs and the Christmas movies on T.V. make me so excited. Also, I'll be having a reunion with my friends on Christmas eve! YAY!

This is a random post to celebrate the spirit of Christmas showcasing my excitement for this beautiful festival.

So here are some very Christmassy things-

Christmas trees-

Christmas stairs-

Christmas scarf-

Christmas Pets-

Christmas Décor-

Christmas Sweater-

Christmas Brownies-

Christmas Ornaments- 

Christmas Door-

Christmas Taylor Swift-

Christmas Nails-

Christmas Candles-

Christmas Couple-

Christmas Lights-

And now.. my favourite,
Christmas Tom Daley-

Also, there are some really cool discounts on holiday gifts here- http://studentrate.com/Holiday-Specials
Do check it out.

Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!


